Maybe there were signs before, if I had known what to look for.
I wasn’t a trained Veterinarian though, just a regular dog owner, like you, doing the best I could to take care of my dog, along with the rest of my responsibilities.
Either way, on that day, there was no doubt what Bella was trying to tell me as she lowered her head and stared into my eyes. “I don’t feel like walking anymore, please let’s just go home.” I was confused at first. The day was a beautiful one, warm with a light spring breeze, and we had been out for no more than ten minutes. “C’mon girl,” I pleaded, hoping that she was just being a bit stubborn.
She lowered her head a bit as if disappointed in her decision, but refused to budge. As we headed for the house, I noticed that she wasn’t walking with her usual enthusiasm, even though I had agreed to change direction and she knew dinner would be waiting.
She took a little extra time with each step, as if measuring it carefully. If it was someone else’s dog I probably would not have noticed, but it wasn’t. It was my Bella and I knew for sure that something was very wrong.